Can not be denied again that the removable media like USB-Flash-Drive is one of the fastest spreading viruses media. The virus quickly move from one computer to another.

To avoid spreading the virus that the media these days increasingly worried about, like a desktop or laptop, removable media like USB-Flash-Drive also require protection from virus attacks, in addition to protecting data stored therein.

Ansav Portable Anti-virus is one of the appropriate solution. Lightweight, fast, requires no installation, yet powerful, and it's free. With the additional plugin options in it, make portable anti-virus is more and more to detect the virus and protect removable media like USB-Flash-Drive.

Ansav Portable Anti-virus is an application that runs on Windows XP and was made especially to handle various mallware like virus, Trojan and Spyware. This is not a commercial Antivirus, Ansav was only designed as portable software and can be undertaken without needing the installation.

Ansav Portable Anti-virus is downloadable here, and here is the latest update. Later you can update automatically from the application.

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